Case Closed is a short film directed by Lucy Gatenby and produced by Rebecca Hardess.
The film is animated in 2D with a mixture of hand-drawn animation produced in TVPaint and 2D compositing in Adobe After Effects.
This is one of the films I helped to create in my final year of university. I joined the Case Closed team as a casual member in second term, in order to animate a few action-based shots for the film.
I worked as both a key artist and inbetweener for Case Closed, keying 5 shots and inbetweening 4.
The film's animation is somewhat stylised, being inspired by motion graphics and featuring abstract poses and exaggerated smear frames - this made the film one of the most interesting projects I have animated for!
I deeply enjoyed animating for Case Closed, and would love to work on similar projects in the future.
Case Closed can be viewed here!