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Memories of Jubilee Pool is a 1 minute short film commissioned by AWEN for their Jubilee Pool Stories heritage project.


The film is one of a collection, animated to audio recordings produced by Penwith College students, interviewing Penzance locals about their memories of the pool.


Our film followed a story told by Mark Gilmore, detailing his memories of swimming lessons at the Jubilee Pool when he was a young boy.

Concept art by Tabby Caton-Rose.

Bottom left concept by Tabby Caton-Rose. Development mine.

The film's design began with some basic research into the art deco style, mainly headed by Tabby. In this stage I produced some of the earliest character concepts, creating human figures using the stark contrasts of art deco architecture. In these concepts I was aiming to emphasise the use of straight lines alongside gentle curves that is common in art deco styles.


We later began looking at using Cornish wildlife as inspiration, as we felt it would also help to bring a more family-friendly air to our film. From Tabby's initial concepts, I produced some newer versions combining the animals with the more stylised art deco look we had been researching.

This style was quickly moved on from however, and we instead switched to more bean-shaped bodies and simple tube-like arms for ease of animation. 

As one of my earliest animated film productions, I mostly worked in clean-up and colour. However, the animation that I worked on served as good practise for character acting: I was able to develop small personality quirks for each of the three children, as well as playing up the performative strictness of the instructor. It was by playing with the personalities of these characters that I began to explore true character animation, and how personality can be shown through movement.

Memories of Jubilee Pool, along with other films in the collection, is available to view online at

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